Crystal Opal

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Our Unique Crystal Opal

Crystal opal is a unique and highly valued gemstone, characterized by its translucent to semi-translucent body. This quality, known as diaphaneity, sets crystal opals apart from other types such as semi-black, white, and black opals.

Definition and Diaphaneity

The term "crystal opal" applies to any opal with a clear, translucent body that allows light to pass through, displaying a stunning play of colors. This translucency gives crystal opals their captivating and distinctive appearance.

Color and Appearance

Crystal opals exhibit a wide spectrum of colors, often including those found in a rainbow, earning them the nickname "eye stones." The vivid and dynamic colors of crystal opals make them particularly desirable.

Quality and Value

Crystal opals offer superior clarity and liveliness of color compared to other solid stones. While pale and colored crystal opals are generally more valuable than black and solid white opals, their price is largely determined by their brightness and pattern. On the body tone chart, crystal opals typically rate N8 or N9, with B1 being the brightest rating as recommended by the Australian Opal Association. Many crystal opals achieve high brightness ratings, reflecting their exceptional quality.

Formation and Geology

Crystal opal forms when water seeps into crevices and, over millions of years, transforms into opal. This process results in the formation of opal without any potch or other material attached, giving it its translucent quality. If opal forms on potch, it could be black opal, or if on ironstone, it could be boulder opal. This makes clear, vibrant crystal opals a rare and unique find.

Locations and Mining

Crystal opals can be found in the same regions as white and black opals. White Cliffs in New South Wales, Australia, is particularly famous for its crystal opals. Other notable sources include Ethiopia and Mexico, known for their high-quality crystal opals.

Properties and Meaning

Crystal opal is considered a stone of inspiration, believed to enhance creativity and stimulate a fertile imagination. Mentally, it is said to enhance memory and help maintain a clear head, preventing confusion. The vibrations of crystal opal are also associated with the heart chakra, adding to its metaphysical appeal.

Further Reading