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Listing Types
When listing an item, choose the listing type (Standard, Premium/Boost, Showcase).
Here is a comparison of the listing types that are currently available for you.
Premium listings will include:
Show up on the first page of categories and stores
Results highlighted in categories and stores
Products used in Shopping campaigns on Meta, Google, Pinterest
Duration: 7 days
Showcase listings will include:
Large banner on the top of the category and store page. These will rotate through to show all showcase listings.
Products will be top of page for any search
Products used in Shopping campaigns on Meta, Google, Pinterest
You May Also Like will only feature other items from your store
Duration: 7 days
Include the listing type and the item type when you list an item
Item Types
Your items can be Catalogue Items or Auction Items.
We encourage you to read our Listing Guide For Verified Sellers help article to understand what information you must include in your listing.
Please note: if you're listing an Auction Item, once the auction finishes and there is no bid placed on it, the item will relist as a Catalogue item.
The price used for the Catalogue Item will depend on the auction type:
Auction With No Reserve Set - the catalogue price will be the starting bid ($1).
Auction With Reserve Set - the catalogue price will be the reserve price.
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