Ethiopian Opal Stones
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Težina (cts)
- Polished1
- Oval1
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Dubina (mm)
- opalstoreaustralia2
- Australia2
Buy Ethiopian Opal Stones
Ethiopian Opal Stones direct from the mines of Africa. In the early 1990’s a new type of Opal surfaced in Mezezo Ethiopia Africa and it is stunning. We offer all shapes and sizes of Ethiopian Opal Stones for sale from Mezezo and Welo.
This Ethiopian opal has sliced out a huge market share of the opal industry worldwide.
Advantages of Ethiopian opal is that it is cabochon and has unique patterns.
The patterns are like a finger print, each so unique. Popular patterns are snake, honeycomb, Fish scale, Rainbow, Patchwork patterns and many other unique combinations of patterns.
Other opal fields do not produce cabochon stones as Ethiopian opals, so if buyer requires large opal 8-20 carats cabochon, they tend to buy Ethiopia opal due to pattern and reasonable cost.
Ethiopian opal is Hydrophane in that it absorbs water, and this can change the color of the opal.
Many repeat opal buyers do not have problem with this color change as it’s a unique property of the opal. In the past crazing was problem but opal cutters now fracture test the rough before cutting so most opals are now stable.
If an opal is called specimen ,it means this opal is crazed so our sellers call these opal stones specimens.
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