Wayne Sedawie
Wayne Sedawie

Published at 16th Jun 2021

Modified at 4th Jan 2023

Black Opal Rough Cutting Channel

black opal rough cutting channelLearn tips and tricks on how to cut Australian Black Opal.

For a full list of videos, visit our youtube channel here.


This video shows seam opal from Lightning Ridge which is generally flat, so the opal cutter has to make decisions to cut it into smaller stones

Visit Wayne from Opal Plus

Gamble Stones

Gambling stones don't always pay off. Its a known fact that a lot of rough from Lightning Ridge doesn’t always cut as good as it looks in the rough. When buying rough parcels be sure to study it before cutting. Practice on lower grade rough before you cut more expensive stones.

Visit Paul from Seda Opals

Black Opal Empress' Cut from Rough to a $30,000+ Polished Stone

Not many cutters will enjoy the pleasure of cutting rough to expose an amazing top black opal. Seller Paul has had many offers but is attached to keeping this opal

Visit Paul at Seda Opals

What types of Black Opal Rough to Buy

There are many types of opal from lightning ridge as it is made up of many opal fields. From Nobbys, seam to crystal.

Black Nobbys are rare now as most production is seam opal. The trick is to buy grey opal that cuts black centres. It is a gamble as you will not know till you start cutting the rough

How to remove a dark spot from a stone

Many cutters have to make the decision; do you slice an opal or Dremel drill it. Which one do you choose if the opal has dark potch showing?

Visit Seda Opals

Risks are always associated with cutting Opal

This opal displayed a lot potential but watch Pete get disappointed while cutting. Still a bright clean opal is exposed.

View Pete at Anembo Opals

Watch Chris from Opal Rush rub down some promising Opals

Chris cuts down on red bars to display some beautiful red opals. Chris has been involved mining and cutting for 40 years and has a lot of experience so this video is defiantly worth watching.

View Chris' store Opal Rush

How to cut out deep sand in Black Opal

Seda opals has been cutting black opals for over 30 years. Watch Paul & Peter cut this difficult black opal with heavy sand inclusions

Visit Seda Opals

Challenging Opals To Cut

This video shows how rare red opal is. Only one red opal in 100 kilograms of rough Opal. 

Visit Seda Opals

Cutting Two Pieces of Rough Opal

This video shows two pieces of rough Opal from Lightning Ridge. They are labeled A and B. Can you pick which one will cut the best opal? One is very Disappointing!

Visit Queen Of Gems

3 Rough Black Opals Cut to Expose Stunning Colors

This video shows three rough opals from Lightning Ridge. Watch these quality Opals be processed. One has sand spot problem!

Visit Seda Rough Opals

Taking the Sand Spot out of a Black Opal Stone | Opal Cutting

Taking The Sand Spot Out Of A Black Opal | Opal Cutting

Green and Orange Flash In A Black Opal | Opal Cutting Transformation

Watch a Black Opal Cutting Transformation from a rough into polished stone.

Cutting Black Opal Rough With Chris From Opal Rush

Watch Chris from Opal Rush transform black opal rough to show the beautiful rich colors within.

Black Opal Polishing Before and After Transformation | Big Red Opal

Watch as we reveal the stunning red flash of a black opal polishing. You can see the result of cutting and rubbing a rough opal from an experienced opal miner's view.

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