Published at 8th May 2018
Modified at 4th Jan 2023
Kalimaya Black Opal
Indonesia does have pockets of small mining operations with manual digging for kalimaya Opal
Unfortunately, most black opal listed on many other sites is treated smoked Ethiopian Opal
Kalimaya opal is not as deep fire colour as smoked Ethiopian opal.
Our verified Opal sellers are experienced and opals listed are in correct category if natural or treated
Today MOST Kalimaya black opal is Ethiopian opal that has been smoked to give a black appearance
The Ethiopian Opal is placed on a box over a fire and the smoke penetrates the Ethiopian opal as it is hydrophane and therefore absorbs the smoke and becomes black in appearance.
We have the following report from one of our Experienced Verified Sellers from Indonesia who has had first hand experience with natural Kalimaya opals.
Indonesia does have large areas of petrified wood in Banten area close to Jakarta and this wood does have some opalized specimens according to Ministry of Trade of the republic indonesia
The specimens are deep dark black to transparent jelly colour with intermittent flashes opal color known as rainbow opals and Indonesian opalized wood
BUT THIS IS EXTREMELY RARE to find natural opal today and most is treated
Indonesia has a plentiful supply of black petrified wood.
You might see this offered as natural black opal opalized wood.
but it is treated in simple process.
Black petrified wood wrapped in aluminium foil with fine sand and baby and olive oil added and cooked over flame and opal colours will appear in the petrified wood.
Ilsaopal talks about Kalimaya Black Opal
As far as I know as an opal seller from year to year and my father is an opal seller & agate original Indonesia for long time also.
In ancient time in Indonesia “opal“ has been called by “kalimaya stone“. This word comes from “kali” (meaning river) and “maya” (the name of the river).
Long time ago in Indonesia have kalimaya mines / opal, preciesly in province Banten. In that mines have dark brown base opal,milky base,black and crystal. In Indonesia , people believe that kalimaya can also increase sex drive and hormone.
But in kalimaya mines banten though have not too many good quality kalimaya and also very hard to find.
And because of high market demand from inside the country and some countries that already know about the uniqueness of kalimaya such as Japan,Korea,China.
And then welo opal began to come to Indonesia from importers india , a lot of miners frustrated because of scarcity of the stone, so they buy welo opal and they called as kalimaya.
Before this truth come up a lot of seller from Japan,Korea,China buy kalimaya stone from kalimaya miners ,when in fact that is welo opal.
Because it seems to me kalimaya and welo opal is not in different type.
“Kalimaya teh” same as “dark brown body base”
“Kalimaya susu” same as “milky white base”
“Kalimaya black opal” same as “dark base welo”
Than opal seller in Indonesia always gave certificate for welo opal and called them kalimaya. And price of welo opal will increase. Because in fact the kalimaya mines has already closed since two years ago.
I have some kalimaya rough and kalimaya stone after polish origin from kalimaya mines in Banten that I have from 3 years ago.
Our policy is to offer natural opal to restore confidence of buyer that Ethiopian Welo opal is the natural stone.
We have received many questions about Indonesian opals a s they have so many names,most are local Indonesian names
But our research has shown that hardly any opal s are mined now in Indonesia in 2015 and some of our experienced verified sellers state the Batan mine has been closed three year with only few prospectors going through potch dumps
Many opals that you see on social sites are agates or quartz gemstones from Indonesia and the main opal mines have all closed down years ago
We have had many enquires for the following terms
Batu opal
Batu black opal
Opal kalimaya
Kalimay black opals
Akiki black opal
kalimaya black opal harga
kalimaya black opal bahan
kalimaya black opal sempur
batu kalimaya black opal sempur
Our research shows that high majority of Indonesian opals listed on other sites are opals from Ethiopia and lot are smoked to give black appearance
Several collectors have contacted with old stocks that they have kept and the opals are very dark black colour with only few hues colour
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