Pink Opal Rough
66产品Buy Pink Opal Rough
Buy pink opal rough from this new opal field in the Gascoyne region near Carnarvon in West Australia. The colour bars are really thick and forms so different to most Australian opals in that it forms as large chunks of the opal rough that is ideal for hobbyists to cut or professional as it also makes incredible carvings as its strong material and takes really good finish when polished. The pink colour has been formed by the iron in the silica so its natural stone colour not dyed The cutter has lot patterns to follow in these stones a s they can be cut all pink or cutter can make sets following the veins white potch a sometimes this wavy pattern looks good over several matching stones Gemstones cutters will be familiar with Mookatite and this mineral is closely related to this stone a smost cutters slab an than make matching cabochons and safely wear should always be worn on cutting this material as it has silica present in it The west Australian government calls this stone brecciate and opalaized material Australian ‘Pink opal’ is a prospectors’ name applied to a different variety of mookaite that outcrops as a persistent bed of extremely bright pink opalized radiolarite near Binthalya. .