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Current Bid
22/07/2021 03:10 pm


Dimensions (mm)
25.000 x 18.000 x 8.000mm
Weight (cts)


This is a natural untreated pair well polished and ready for setting. These stone are calibrated[all the same size ] so they will fit standard jewelery saving you on cost.

They are from the same piece of rough but they may be slightly different.

The weight is for the whole parcel.

This is what the West Australian mine dept says about Pink Opal


Pink opal
‘Pink opal’ is a prospectors’ name applied to a different
variety of mookaite that outcrops as a persistent bed of
extremely bright pink opalized radiolarite near Binthalya.
At this site, pink opal is present as a dominant, horizontal
bed within zones of coloured porcellanites located beneath
a surface-brecciated zone in which angular fragments of
pink porcellanite have been cemented by iron and silica
solutions to produce an attractive pink breccia. The pink
zone beneath has already been tested by trial mining to
ascertain the extent and consistency of the pink, opalized

Examination of pink opal thin sections has confirmed
the rock is radiolarite with a dominantly isotropic, finegrained
mineral composition. Although not verified by
XRD analysis, the pink opal’s physical and visible optical
properties suggest it is predominantly opaline silica,
having a lower bulk density than the locally porcellanized
mookaite material. Pink opal commonly shows liesegang
banding and often contains small vugs and fine fractures
infilled with microcrystalline quartz. Microscopic,
lustrous grains within the rock result from reflections of
granular quartz where it has infilled pores and replaced
radiolarian structures.
In a manner similar to the origin of mookaite, the resilicification
of the Windalia Radiolarite forming the pink
opal porcellanite has resulted in a visually attractive, bright
pink material displaying a high vitreous lustre. Pink opal
is extremely hard and brittle with a conchoidal fracture
. These properties allow pink opal
to take a high polish, making it suitable for the production
of colourful, polished tumbled stones, cabochons, and
other artworks .

All weights and sizes below are approximate

Shipping provider Shipping to Australia Shipping to rest of world
FedEx $12.00 / 3 days $39.00 / 10 days
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FedEx is discounted to $39.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Registered Shipping $9.00 / 21 days $16.00 / 21 days
Registered Shipping is discounted to $9.00 on orders with 2 or more items
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Registered Shipping is discounted to $16.00 on orders with 2 or more items

Welcome to the colorful journey of Paul Sedawie, a lifelong enthusiast of opals. Paul's fascination with these gemstones began at the tender age of 14 when he acquired his first boulder rough. Entranced by their natural beauty and vibrant colors, Paul embarked on a remarkable adventure in 1989, moving to Lightning Ridge to own an opal claim. Despite the challenges of mining, the experience bestowed upon him priceless memories and a deep respect for the craft. Today, Paul's journey has evolved, transitioning from mining to curating exquisite opals from partnerships and miners worldwide. With a keen eye for quality, he meticulously oversees the cutting process, personally crafting the finest black opals. Together with his sons, Peter and Ross, Paul continues to share his passion for opals with customers globally. Ross, a graduate of the AIGS Gem School, spearheads SEO efforts, while Peter manages worldwide dispatch and opal cutting. As a testament to his dedication, Paul celebrates his 30-year milestone in the opal business in 2019, having sold over 100,000 stones and parcels through Opal Auctions. This E-book offers a glimpse into Paul's extraordinary collection, a culmination of decades spent immersed in the opal industry. With a commitment to preserving Australia's opal heritage, Paul cherishes his personal collection of opal fossils, ensuring they remain in their homeland. Join us in experiencing Paul's passion for opals, and discover the enchanting world of these captivating gemstones. Best regards, Paul Sedawie
Lightning Ridge, Australia
5973 Feedback

  • moss

    Excellent thank you

  • skeeter0061

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • estherwolf

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • ghosttexan

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

Bids History (1)
Purchased from this seller previously
2 years ago

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Shipping Details

$16.00 21 days via Registered Shipping
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  • paypal
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Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 563225
Starting Bid : $24
Starts : 22nd July 2021 10:40 am AEST
Ends : 23rd July 2021 08:10 am AEST
* All prices are in USD