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Oferta actual
08/03/2024 05:45 pm

Eye shaped 6.55 ct Ethiopian Welo Opal

Dimensiones (mm)
20.830 x 14.140 x 4.730mm
Peso (cts)

                                                                                                  Welcome to Opal Exclusively!

  • small flash patchwork pattern
  • red, orange, green, yellow, and blue colors
  • 4/5 brightness
  • light gray moderately translucent body color
  • flat back with beveled edges for easy setting
  • I cut all my own stones, with each one being a labor of love
  • My stones have a superb polish, with a smooth, continuous finish with no scratches or flat spots (note how smoothly the reflection of the light source moves over the opal's surface in the video)
  • I don't cut for mass production, but rather to bring out the full beauty of each individual piece of rough opal
  • photos and videos are taken under a low-voltage 50W MR-16 halogen light
I want you to be 100% happy with your opal. Opal is a dynamic stone and the magic of its play of color cannot be totally captured in a photograph or video. You truly have to hold it in your own hand to realize its full beauty!! If you find, for whatever reason, that you are not completely satisfied with your opal and would like to return it, you may do so for a full refund. I ask that you simply return the stone, UNALTERED IN ANY WAY, within 10 days of receipt of the stone. You are responsible for shipping and insurance costs. Once received, I will promptly issue you a refund in the same manner used for purchase.

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I am a lifelong opal lover, cutter and collector. I specialize in superbly cut Ethiopian Welo opals, all of which are personally cut by me, with each one being a labor of love. I have a wide variety of unique, interesting, and unusual opals to suit the needs of jewelry artists and collectors alike. Please contact me about what may be of interest to you. 100% money back guarantee: I want you to be 100% happy with your opal. Opal is a dynamic stone and the magic of its play of color cannot be totally captured in a photograph or video. You truly have to hold it in your own hand to realize its full beauty. If you find, for whatever reason, that you are not completely satisfied with your opal and would like to return it, you may do so for a full refund. I ask that you simply return the stone, UNALTERED IN ANY WAY, within 10 days of receipt of the stone. You are responsible for shipping and insurance costs. Once received, I will promptly issue you a refund in the same manner used for purchase.
:Ciudad, País
36 de comentarios

  • harrisonuk

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • opaleye93

    Love the rare plant matter in combination with the play of color!!

  • opalexclusively

    Thanks Christopher - I'm thrilled you like them!

  • crguin01

    Great seller, extremely fast shipping. Very personable experience, would not hesitate to buy again.

  • crguin01

    Great seller, extremely fast shipping. Very personable experience, would not hesitate to buy again.

  • opalexclusively

    Thank you so much for the kind words Chris!

  • crguin01

    Great seller, extremely fast shipping. Very personable experience, would not hesitate to buy again.

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$40.00 :cuenta días a través de :proveedor
Se envía desde:
United States of America

Opciones de pago

  • paypal

Descripción general

Tipo de listado : Standard
ID del Producto : 948446
PVP estimado : $500.00
Precio inicial : $250
Empieza : 28th February 2024 07:20 am AEST
Finaliza : 9th March 2024 11:45 am AEST
* Todos los precios están en :moneda