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Trenutna ponuda
28/08/2024 12:53 am

106 carat parcel of wood replacement opal with bright colors!

Dimenzije (mm)
32.000 x 13.000 x 10.000mm
Težina (cts)
Rough, Specimen

Description: 106 carat wood replacement opal and color!

Weight: 106 carat.

Origin: Banten, Indonesia.

Treatment: pieces have been rubbed in baby oil and may have been heated as that is a common practice in Indonesia to bring out the color.

Shape: Roots & branches.

Pattern: Black potch with sections of colorful opal. This is specimen grade.

Dominant Colors: Red, orange, green, blue.

Size: The biggest piece is 32mm x 13mm x 10mm.

Condition: Original.

Comments: These are specimens of wood replacement opal. Indonesian opalized wood is petrified wood in which the wood grains have been replaced by opal. Indonesia is a volcanic island chain that is currently active and this volcanic activity produces a wide array of unusual minerals and rocks. When wood is buried by volcanic ash and silica is mobilized from the ash, the silica will penetrate into the wood and replace the grains of the wood. Opal is a hydrated silica. The silica is often accompanied by other elements that give the opalized wood a wide range of colors. Red, green and purple colors are usually from iron minerals. Manganese often creates pink, black and brown coloration and copper minerals can produce blue and green.

Photos & Videos: taken under natural lighting conditions in our office (sun and shade). No lights, filters, photoshop or enhancements of any kind have been used. What you see is what you get.

Shipping info: you only pay to ship the first stone. Any additional purchases within 7 days will be added to the package at no additional cost. Please inform us if you want us to wait the seven days before shipping your order (otherwise it will be shipped upon payment and you will not be able to combine with other purchases). All stones shipped from the Czech Republic.

Return policy: when you receive your order - if for any reason you aren't fully satisfied you may return the untouched stones within 10 days for a full refund. Please just drop us a message and include a tracking number. We aim to please and do not want anyone to be unhappy so never hesitate to contact us. Once the stone has been cut, polished or modified in any way it is not possible to return.

Pružatelj usluge dostave Dostava u Czech Republic Dostava u ostatak svijeta
Standard Shipping - Tracked $5.00 / :dani dani $20.00 / :dani dani
Standard Shipping - Tracked je snižen na $5.00 na narudžbe s 1 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
Standard Shipping - Tracked je snižen na $20.00 na narudžbe s 1 ili više artikala
DHL $35.00 / :dani dani $35.00 / :dani dani
DHL je snižen na $35.00 na narudžbe s 1 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
DHL je snižen na $35.00 na narudžbe s 1 ili više artikala

European opal importer, exporter, cutter and gemologist. We focus on the most colourful opals from all over the world.
:Grad drzava
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Povijest ponuda (1)
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prije 3 tjedna

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Program Opal Sheriff omogućuje našim članovima da zatraže reviziju bilo kojeg proizvoda, koju dovršava neovisna :kvalifikacija koja procjenjuje točnost opisa artikla i slika.

Detalji dostave

$20.00 21 days putem Standard Shipping - Tracked
Brodovi iz:
Czech Republic

Načini plačanja

  • paypal


Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 1521097
Procijenjeni RRP : $400.00
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 22nd August 2024 12:53 am PDT
Završava : 28th August 2024 12:53 am PDT
* Sve cijene su u :valuti