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27/04/2022 02:25 pm

Opal Claim for sale in GRAWIN, Lightning Ridge

Dimenzije (mm)
50.000 x 100.000 x 10.000mm
Težina (cts)
Body Tone

Find your own Rough Opals - Get your own claim!

I am selling my claim because I had to go overseas! If you get the claim, then it is valid for 1 year after the transfer is done! From the Grawin pub in the scrub it is 10 min's drive or so! You are allowed to stay on your claim if you have a caravan! I add the link below of maps to find the area called Carters Rush! No machinery included!

To buy machinery: Search FB groups, message boards in Lightning ridge!

A 3 foot hole normally cost approx AU$1500-2000 to drill (AU$ 20-25 a foot) ! It is 4 nineinch holes on the claim! They cost me AU$ 600! You need to buy your own machinery! Like a long throwhoyst (AU$ 1000-2000), jackhammer (new AU$800), 5.5 kva generator(AU$ 800-1500), rickshaw (AU$200-400), floodlights, shovel, leads and so on, trailer (AU$500-1000)! Or a blower AU$20-30,000), and a truck! Superhoyst, bogger, truck ( I know someone who sold for AU$ 20,000)! No need to wash the dirt! Only if you dig for nobbies!

What did I find before I left the claim?

The depth is 54 feet to the roof!I found beautiful green, green orange, red colour in this claim! Grey and black potch can be found! I add pics of the material I found! I found crystal opals and a small one on the black! The claim is mined approx 30% and it is one long drive plus a few shorter ones!

I found colour near the roof and in the floor. Not much work done there at all! One 9 inch hole brought up colour and I never connected to this one! I tell you more when you have got the claim!

My neighbours claim had chunks of black centered potch plus green colour that he showed me! Not much work has been done that way!

I attach the link so you can see the fees involving a transfer and also cost for renewal! A bond is something you always has to pay and it looks like it is approx AU$700 now! You also has to pay the AU$120 application fee plus stamp duty! The bond money you get back one day if you cancel the claim or transfer it! The renewal fee for a year is $354! You can see everything at the link below!

I have never transferred a claim before but in this case I fill in the document plus the transfer details and send to Lightning Ridge mineral department! Then you can visit their office and fill in the rest and pay the bond and so on! Maybe they can mail you the documents ( if you are overseas) to fill in your details for the transfer! Call them!

A mate of mine dug the claim a week or so, not sure! He found nice red colour but left for another area in Grawin! You can call him and perhaps he can show you the area! I send name and Ph in a PM if you want the claim! Then he can show you the area one day!

Like I said, I am not sure but that should be the easiest way to get the deal done! Have you done the courses? Before you mine you have to do them! But you can still own a claim I guess - Pending to mine until you have done a 2 day course in mining safety + operators course! You have to ask the mining department!

So if you are in Australia or plan a trip to get a claim! Here it is! Send me a message if you have questions! I will do my best to answer all your questions!

PS. If you buy this claim, then I tell you a secret that can help you find the opals in the claim!

Carters Rush:,ut5:y:100,oc11:y:100,oc10:y:100,oc9:y:100,oc8:y:100,oc7:y:100,oc6:y:100,oc4:y:100,oc5:y:100,oc3:n:100,ti14:y:100,oc2:y:100,oc1:y:100,cl8:y:100,cl4:y:100

Lightning Ridge Mining office below!

Phone: +61 (0)2 6820 5200
Fax: +61 (0)2 6829 0825
Postal: Mining, Exploration and Geoscience, Department of Regional NSW, PO Box 314 Lightning Ridge NSW 2834
Office: Lot 60 Morilla Street Lightning Ridge NSW 2834


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I have done some mining and now I will sell some of the opals I found! I am also buying rough and making my own jewellery! Enjoy your shopping! I am always open for offers. ALL items are now available again.
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:ukupne povratne informacije

  • playoffkobe

    this looks amazing. great metal work. thank you. responds super fast, great customer service and shipping. great presentation as well

  • nady

    thankssssss so much very cool this +++++++++++ againg and again very fast received

  • nady

    thanks so much seller very kind and great patience all perfect raccomendated item amazing +++++++++++

  • rookie2018dad

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • mueller123

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 1214802
Procijenjeni RRP : $1,500.00
Početna ponuda : $1,000
Počinje : 27th April 2022 04:49 am PDT
Završava : 27th April 2022 02:25 pm PDT
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