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Offerta corrente
03/02/2019 04:25 pm

Boulder Opal Bead Silver Bail stamped 925 -- S80

Dimensioni (mm)
11.000 x 11.000 x 11.000mm
Peso (cts)

This is a boulder opal bead polished up showing colour with a silver bail stamped 925 most people don’t  realise how hard it is to cut opal beads due to the amount of opal which is rubbed away just getting a high polish ,  as you end up with many beads with no colour by the time you get a high gloss polish on the bead , 

Fornitore di spedizioni Spedizione in :paese Spedizione nel resto del mondo
FedEx $12.00 / : giorni giorni $39.00 / : giorni giorni
FedEx è scontato a :prezzo per ordini con :quantità o più articoli
Resto del mondo
FedEx è scontato a :prezzo per ordini con :quantità o più articoli
Registered Shipping $9.00 / : giorni giorni $15.00 / : giorni giorni
Registered Shipping è scontato a :prezzo per ordini con :quantità o più articoli
Resto del mondo
Registered Shipping è scontato a :prezzo per ordini con :quantità o più articoli

What is opal all about this is what I asked my self back in 1998 as this is Australians National Gem Stone and very little information was know about it when I asked my friends as it could only be found in the tourist strips and the local people knew nothing about this illusive gemstone. Then through a mutual friend I got introduced to Wayne Sedawie yes ( Opalplus) and before I could sit down started selling black opal , boulder opal, rough opal parcels and opal jeweler all around Australia with in 12 months I had been all over this enormous beautiful country and had visited more placed then most Australians do in a life time from the opal fields in Queensland Yowah , Koroit , all the way out to Winton , down to Lightning Ridge and Cooper Pedy as you travel to outback mining towns you get a feeling for the opal and how rare it is to find any opal at all let alone a quality commercial stone as each opal really has to be appreciated due to the scarcity of finding any opal when mining . I remember I just jumped on a plane down to Sydney then to Melbourne , Adelaide I would be visiting all the opal shops as I passed through from there I use to get a 12 hour bus ride out to the Cooper Pedy opal fields ( yes that’s 12 hours in a bus with the driver trying to dodge kangaroos and road trains ) and check out the large white opal and crystal opal field after a few days another 8/9 hours on the bus to Alice Springs to see the shop keeper and from there jump on a small plane to Cairns as this is a popular place for tourist and there is plenty of opal shops , this trip would take about 2 weeks so as soon as I got home I would be cutting black opal and boulder opal as I set up my garage as a cutting shop water running to 3 cutting machines a large polishing wheel and a thousand dop sticks with jeweler wax or glue on this massive cutting table . As each opal is individual every day is like a new day maybe today is the day I see the best opal in my life the feeling you get rubbing down nobbies and start to see the multi color fire and all your hoping for is more red fire to the interesting Koroit boulder opal with the mesmerizing opal patterns and colors so with this excitement I was hooked for life which is called opal fever. So after a few years of this we though we would show the world what opal is all about hence Opal Auctions and start to work the internet which by the way is never over there is always something you can add more items, communicating with customers about there individual orders, opal information write ups like this but at the end of the day it is all FUN and very enjoyable so with this I welcome you to my world of Love of the Australia Opal …… My STORES here on Opal Auctions *** Rolling Stone Opals *** *** Koroit Opal *** *** Australian Rough Opal *** All the best kind regards Patrik
:città, :paese
: Feedback totale

  • ang07025

    I absolutely love this gemstone! Absolutely stunning, there’s colors all over! I will definitely be buying more from this shop. Thank you!

  • master888

    woow beautiful opal doublets! Thank you very much :) shipping and service were great!

  • tsollman

    Received as advertised. Thank you.

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Dettagli di spedizione

$15.00 :conta i giorni tramite Registered Shipping
Spedizioni da:

Opzioni di pagamento

  • paypal
  • stripe
Questo venditore aggiunge 10.00% tax alle transazioni in Australia.


Tipo di elenco : Standard
Codice prodotto : 751908
Prezzo di partenza : $1
Inizia : 9th December 2018 04:25 pm PST
Finisce : 3rd February 2019 04:25 pm PST
* Tutti i prezzi sono in :valuta